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Ra-heem A. Pounds

Growing up in a single parent home with the help of his grandmother Ra-heem was brought up in the arts. He found joy in drawing as a child and found that it gave him a sense of peace. While attending West Columbus High School he honed his skills as an artist through various art classes. At a young age he also attending local artist conventions, meeting and competing to become better at his craft. After graduating high school he decided to attend college at North Carolina Central University to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art with a concentration in Studio. Raheem also has a Masters of Fine Art that he received at Savannah college of Art and Design.While pursuing his dream of becoming an artist he trained under Instructors Chad Hughes, Dr. Beverly McIver, Connie Floyd, Michele Patterson and Choi. These instructors helped him find a path to follow so that he could grow and become the artist he is now. While attending NCCU Ra-heem joined various organizations such as Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated, Kappa Pi International Art Honorary Fraternity and Art Club. These organizations also helped Ra-heem to build a strong sense of business and group cooperation. 

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